Domande frequenti
Tea ha raccolto nella sezione Domande frequenti le risposte alle domande che più frequentemente vengono poste in merito al gruppo e ai servizi che fornisce.
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Who sets the water rates? How are established? With what frequency range?
From 1 January 2012, the Authority for Electricity and Gas (AEEG) the method of calculation of water tariffs, today was approved Transient Method (MTT), which applies to the years 2012 and 2013.
Rates calculated in accordance with the method mentioned above are approved in advance by the Provincial Council (which plays the role of Area Authority) and definitively by the AEEG. -
If there are problems in the delivery, when should I call my plumber and when I can call to Tea water for emergencies?
E 'need to call Tea Water when the user is active (the counter is not sealed) and when there are leaks or failures in the road up to the counter included (eg counter stuck or broken, which runs counter empty) . The plumber will be deemed to faults downstream of the meter.
What has changed with the liberalization?
In 2003 the company erogavano natural gas have separate distribution activities from selling, assigning each task to a different company. Every customer has the possibility to make the contract with the company that sells you prefer while the network services will be guaranteed on a single municipality from a single distribution company.
What does the protected market Free Market?
All customers are free to choose their gas supplier. Who exercises this right comes the so-called free market.
The free market is the market in which the economic conditions and the contract for the supply of energy shall be agreed directly between the customer and the seller. In these protected market conditions are defined by the Authority for Electricity and Gas, and updated quarterly, taking into account the change in the price of hydrocarbons (oil and gas) on the international markets in the months preceding and gas prices recorded on the markets Europe. -
What are the duties of company distribution and sales?
There is a clear separation between infrastructure managers and transport those responsible for the sale of gas.
The retailer , which operates in custody under a multi-year , manages the distribution network and provides to connect the client to the gas network , to do all the operations related to the management of the plant up to the counter (activation, deactivation of supply moves, counters , etc. . ) , is responsible for the installation , maintenance, verification and periodic reading of the meter of the customer. The distributor is also in charge of emergency services .
The seller buys gas at wholesale and sells it to the customer. In order to get the gas to the customer the seller does transport networks of national, regional and local authorities and then , in addition to supporting the cost of gas purchase , the seller pays the distributor the use of the network and other infrastructure in accordance with a tariff which is fixed by the Authority for Electricity and Gas. The seller is the person with whom the customer enters into the contract for the purchase of gas . The seller maintains , on behalf of the client, the relationship with the distributor for all activities that are related to connections or to the work to be performed on the system when the supply is turned on.