Domande frequenti

Tea ha raccolto nella sezione Domande frequenti le risposte alle domande che più frequentemente vengono poste in merito al gruppo e ai servizi che fornisce.

  • luce Who do I contact in case of failure counter or facilities?

    The distribution company is the entity that manages the network and counters which he also owns. Interventions such as repairs of faults, restored, and so on. fall within its remit. The telephone number of service failures and emergencies is always the one of the local distributor and is shown on the third page of the invoice.

  • gas There is a difference between rates for residents and non?

    There is no difference between rates for residents and non. However, for statistical purposes, on the conclusion of the contract you are asked if you have your residence or less on the Property to be provided: this information is also reported in the bill, without, however, affect the pricing. In the event that the residence has changed, just let us toll.

  • luce Who can apply and how it requires energy bonus?

    They can access the bonus energy all domestic customers who use energy. And 'necessary for the ISEE indicator of the household does not exceed € 7,500 (or, in the case of households with more than three dependent children, which does not exceed € 20,000).
    To claim the bonus you must complete the appropriate forms and bring them to their place of residence or at another institution may be appointed by the City Council (eg Tax Assistance Centers CAF).

  • gas Who can ask for the bonus social gas? How to apply for the social bonus gas?

    They can access the Bonus Gas all residential customers who use natural gas with a direct supply contract or a condominium plant. And 'necessary for the ISEE indicator of the household does not exceed € 7,500 (or, in the case of households with more than three dependent children, which does not exceed € 20,000).
    To request the Bonus Gas must complete the appropriate forms and bring them to their place of residence or at another institution may be appointed by the City Council (for example, the Tax Assistance Centers CAF).

  • luce Can I do the self-reading?

    The self-reading is not possible because the invoices are issued without exception, following the statement by Enel Distribution of periodic readings.