Domande frequenti

Tea ha raccolto nella sezione Domande frequenti le risposte alle domande che più frequentemente vengono poste in merito al gruppo e ai servizi che fornisce.

  • servizio_rifiuti I have doubts on how to make the collection, who can I contact?

    You can consult the brochure "Where did I throw?" That is delivered to all utilities along with the collection kit. In case of any further questions you can call toll of Mantua Environment 800 473165 (199 143232 for callers from mobile phones) that meets from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 18.

  • servizio_rifiuti I saw chart and collection frequencies and seem insufficient for my needs ...

    The frequency was evaluated and sequenced according to the type and average production, rounding up based on the experience of the territories managed by Mantova Ambiente.

  • servizio_rifiuti How to prevent odors in the collection of staff ...

    I'm used to eating fish every Sunday. If the organic waste collection does not take place until Monday evening I will have to put up with bad odors for a whole day?
    The wet organic, being composed of putrescible material, requires some care in the most compared to the other types of waste. When it makes the organic waste collection in house is advisable to keep the bag open, so as to avoid anaerobic fermentation (the one that produces bad smell) allowing the oxidation of organic matter (the contact with the air dries the material and reduces the formation of unpleasant exhalations). In the case of food scraps particularly sensitive, such as the remains of fish, it is advisable to wrap the waste in a sheet of newspaper or uncoated paper and insert it in the bag so packed, but always leaving open the bag until the time of his bestowal when, of course, must be tightly closed. In any case, to limit the inconvenience, the wet organic will be withdrawn more frequently than other materials.

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